Instructions:  As a comment, answer the following question:
Why do we (people in general or you specifically) read and write?
Feel free to do a little research or use some of your favorite authors' quotations as examples for your reasoning.  This is intentionally an open-ended question.  I am anticipating all sorts of responses (school appropriate of course), and I want to encourage you to think creatively and to respond honestly.  Don't forget that when writing online, only put your initial and your last name (no full names). 

Remember, you must post your comments by the deadline to receive credit. 
Your deadline for this response is Thursday September 30 by midnight.
Natalie W.
9/12/2010 03:37:07 am

I think that people read and write for multiple reasons. I think we can write to communicate( passing notes in class, writing to a friend) or we can write to let out feelings and/or create a story to entertain. I think we read to learn about the world and peoples' perspectives of it. I think that we also read to relax and let ourselves imagine a world that's not our own.

Alex B.
9/12/2010 04:17:40 am

There are many reasons why people read and write. I think most people read to learn new things and also for entertainment. I believe that people write to share their opinions and beliefs and to entertain others. But, like I said, there are lots of reasons why people read and write.

Joanne J.
9/12/2010 06:42:06 am

I think there are a variety of reasons why people read and write. Students may read and write to get an assignment done for school. Some people might read and write because they enjoy writing their feelings down on paper or reading about somebody else's life to escape from their own. It might be a way to do something creative that they've never done before. It lets them create a world that is different from their own.

Burak A
9/12/2010 11:50:55 am

People read and write in order to do many things but one of the most important reasons is to communicate with other people. to transform the ideas from one person into text so that any other person may read and understand that person's thoughts. writing is also way to record past events so that in the future, one will not have to recall their thoughts and just read what they wrote from before. personally i like to write the random thoughts that come to mind. it really helps me to process and understand my thoughts and feelings.

Maggie M
9/12/2010 12:21:19 pm

People read and write to express their emotions. People read to learn new things and travel to new places. People also read for entertainment. Writing is a way of passing down stories from generation to generation. Writing is also a way of putting your feelings on paper. It's like one big venting session. There are many reasons to read and write.

bree t.
9/13/2010 08:35:29 am

i think people read to learn and to study. i believe people also read for entertainment.i think that people write for historcal purposes and for communication. these are both very important things and they are very healthy to do. sometimes you dont always want to say something, so you write it down just so you know youve got that out of your system or for someone else to read.

9/14/2010 07:04:31 am

I think that people write to express their feelings, to get emotions across, to share their ideas and to share their experiences. I think that reading is an adventure and to learn a bit more about people, societies and cultures, and even just to enjoy yourself. Writing and reading are for messages of all sorts, ideas, self expression, and fun.

Pauly K
9/14/2010 09:49:13 am

People read and write so that they have another way of criticizing things that they are displeased with. People complain too much, and some even complain about complaining. Some people also write for humorous reasons.
People read because they are required to in order to be any kind of successful person in the world, and they write because they like the thought of other people reading what they write, and because they like the possibility of influencing someone's life (ego ego ego).

Jenny H.
9/14/2010 11:06:01 am

People read to gain knowledge about the things they are ignorant about. People also read to find out about the past or to explore the possibilities of the future. Some people read other people's imaginations for entertainment.
People write to express their feelings, to comment on a subject, for educational purposes, or to leave something for the future to think about. For some people, writing might be a hobby! (not me)

Ansley K
9/15/2010 08:31:37 am

I think people read to learn, for entertainment, to communicate with others, and to imagine places/stories they couldn't have thought up themselves. I think a lot of people write either to express how they are feeling, to educate others, to get across a message of how they want others to think, or various other reasons.

9/18/2010 12:33:52 pm

I think people read to gain knowledge and intelligence. I also think people write to express themselves, to communicate with others, to practice their handwriting, and to manage their financial and personal business.

Amber T.
9/26/2010 11:52:35 am

I think people read so they can learn , for entertainment, and also so they can get information out of it. I think people write to commmunicate, to express themself, and also for enjoyment.

Sam S.
9/29/2010 08:01:23 am

"People Read Creative Writing to Escape, be Entertained, or Find Understanding" -Cynthia Jones-Shoeman

i think this quote explains it basically. i guess people want to get away from the real world and escape to something unreal.

9/29/2010 09:02:51 am

I think that different people read and write for different reasons. Some people read because they like to, and they enjoy it. Others may read to learn things, or because they have to do it for school. Some people might write just to get things off their chest that they don't like to talk about. Other reasons people might write is because they are trying to entertain people, or they just like making up stores.

Jessica P.
9/30/2010 06:44:22 am

I believe that mostly everyone reads and writes. This is how or world is today, where reading and writing are apart of our everyday lives. I read in school of course, but i also read street signs when i driving, the computer when im doing research or facebook, and basically almost anything I do requires me to read.
I also write everyday when we do assignments in class.
I believe people use reading and writing to express themselves, learn more about others, to learn about the world's history and facts about today as well, and also to work towars our future.
These are some reasons why I believe we read and write.

Junior A
9/30/2010 10:33:45 am

I think that the main reason people read and write is to communicate. With communication life is alot easier. Also, for recording history. One of the earliest forms of writing were hieroglyphics or cuneiform which was used for recording history

Patrick A
9/30/2010 11:27:21 am

I think the reason that most people write is to share an idea or something of importance to that person. Those who read, do so to obtain information or to be entertained. Most authors write books because they believe that they have something worthy of your time that they think you will really enjoy. Others write because they have something that could help you in life. So basically, people read and write to communicate and share information, stories, and beliefs.

Ben T.
9/30/2010 12:54:10 pm

I think people read and write for many different reasons. I think some people read and write for many forms of communication, e.g. texts, letters, email.
I think some write as a release of emotion to be able to write things down on paper. Some people write down things, like secrets or things they can't tell other people so they can get that out.
Then there are simpler reasons, like organization. Or even reminders or for memorization of things.
Reading is pretty much the same. A release, an escape(as cliche as it sounds). All these things are reasons I believe that people write/read.

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